Every driver knows that by law he must have a car insurance policy. This policy will cover the damage caused to another car or its passengers resulting from the accident. But who will cover losses of the guilty party? How to recover compensatione if your car was damaged by a natural disaster, fire, explosion, actions of unknown persons or even stolen?
Mandatory insurance
Compensation for damages, losses by the insured (policyholder) to other traffic users.Additional MTPL GRAND
Additional insurance protection
Helps to cover costs in situations where the MTPL limit is insufficient.Driver protection
Specialized insurance program
Your personal insurance protection when driving a car and against financial losses that may occur as a result of a traffic accident.
Extended warranty
Specialized insurance program
Provides for the repair of your vehicle after the factory warranty period has expired.GAP
GAP program from UNIVERSALNA guarantees the insurance indemnity from the insurance company in the amount of the purchase price of the vehicle.
Green Card
«Green card» - is a policy that is mandatory if you travel abroad in your own car. It will cover the losses of the victim in the event of an accident abroad through your fault.
years of work in Ukraine
the percentage of customers are satisfied with the quality of service
thousand hryvnias were collected for 12 months of 2023
thousand hryvnias paid for 12 months of 2023
losses are settled annually
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Your manager Yana
Have you had an insured event?
What to do if an insured event occurs
Call 0 800 500 381
(for calls from abroad: +38 044 364 12 06)
Register an event
Follow the instructions of specialists
Wait for the insurance indemnity
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